
Remote Sensing Lenses Boost Invasive Species Research


Research teams tasked with protecting the environment are discovering and implementing new camera technology that helps organizations quickly identify invasive species. For example, weeds, many of which are attractive, are a prime example of how widespread damage to local ecosystems happens when their growth is [...]

Remote Sensing Lenses Boost Invasive Species Research2024-01-29T12:08:41-05:00

Monitoring Livestock Using Imaging Systems


Gone are the days when managing and monitoring livestock was entirely dependent on manual labor. Technological advancements have relieved the farmers from such physically demanding and time-consuming tasks. The farms and barns have transformed into modern spaces as they are now outfitted with high-end cameras, [...]

Monitoring Livestock Using Imaging Systems2021-10-13T11:10:41-04:00

Drones At Work: Part 3 — Animal Population


Parts one and two of “Drones at work” discussed the use of drones in agriculture and surveying, respectively. But did you know that researchers are also using thermal sensor-equipped drones to count animal populations?  […]

Drones At Work: Part 3 — Animal Population2021-09-27T13:47:27-04:00

Drones At Work: Part 1 — Agriculture


While still in their relative infancy in terms of mainstream adoption and application, drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or un-crewed aerial vehicles, have already dissolved rigid traditional barriers in industries that were impregnable to similar technological breakthroughs in the past. [...]

Drones At Work: Part 1 — Agriculture2021-09-27T13:53:49-04:00

Air Quality Monitoring Systems


Poor air quality is a tell-tale sign of the widespread air pollution that has blanketed our country for several years. With rising concerns about air pollution, federal authorities are now turning to science and technology to develop advanced air quality monitoring systems. [...]

Air Quality Monitoring Systems2021-06-21T13:36:37-04:00

Hyperspectral Imaging In Agriculture


Hyperspectral technology can capture the continuous electromagnetic spectrum of color and light through a lens and split it into different spectral lengths using a dispersive element such as a prism or a diffraction grating. While human eyes contain only three types of colour receptors (red, [...]

Hyperspectral Imaging In Agriculture2021-03-04T15:26:51-05:00

Hyperspectral Inspection Overview


Hyperspectral imaging is a new analytical technique wherein multiple images for the same spatial area are collected in different wavelengths. Unlike our own eyes that contain only three types of colour receptors (red, green and blue), hyperspectral imaging divides the electromagnetic spectrum into many more [...]

Hyperspectral Inspection Overview2021-05-24T11:06:20-04:00

How Drones Are Revolutionizing Agriculture


Drones have always been linked to photography and are widely recognized to be indispensable photography tools. That being said, these unmanned, autonomous flying machines are now being used to reform the agricultural industry. […]

How Drones Are Revolutionizing Agriculture2021-01-22T12:37:27-05:00
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