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What is Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy?

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

LP-05 Diode Laser Lens AssembliesTechnology and civilization go hand and hand and along with technological advances come technologies that make daily life easier and more convenient. One technology that’s being used is tunable diode laser spectroscopy; this device helps researchers and scientists detect sound waves, temperature fluctuations and various gases. A tunable diode laser device is something that “ordinary” people have been introduced to by the way of CD players as these laser diodes help produce the sound waves from CDs.

When it comes to scientific uses, the tunable diode laser spectroscopy detects harsh gases and air pressures as well as varying temperature changes. This information helps environmental specialists formulate data to help them analyze changes in the environment and even put systems in place to correct those changes if necessary. The way the technology works is that it produces measurements based upon the absorption spectroscopy – the laser from the device is measured while it travels through the gaseous space. The laser diode is subject to interference though and its beam and measuring capabilities could be negatively impacted. The laser diode spectroscopy technology can detect miniscule amounts of gas or other contaminants but adjustments are necessary to address surrounding characteristics including: sound and light waves, temperature variations, surrounding air pressure and maximum flux. The laser itself notes the outside interferences and adjusts the data instantaneously to provide accurate readings and measurements.

Without the technology of the tunable diode laser spectroscopy, we would be unable to listen to the radio. Laser diodes work to radiate radio frequencies that carry the sound waves so we can listen to our favorite radio stations from the comfort of our own homes. There are likely many technologies that involve laser diodes that we take for granted on a daily basis but that work to enhance our lives.