High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Robotic Technologies Aid The Elderly

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Robotic Technologies Aid The Elderly

Robotic Technologies Aid The Elderly

While it’s not likely that a robot will ever replace the loving touch of a family member, these machines may be of service by taking care of tasks that were once likely unheard of, caring for seniors.

A new technology, the GiraffPlus, was deployed to six elderly individuals in the UK to help them age in place and remain independent for longer periods of time. These robots could prove useful in helping the elderly stay home even when physical or cognitive abilities indicate they should be living in a care facility.

The robots are part of “smart house” technology in which sensors are placed around the home which provide feedback about the movements of the senior citizen. There are also sensors which track their health. Motion sensors in beds and on chairs provide information on whether the senior is up and active. Sensors monitor environmental issues such as the stove being turned on or the levels of the thermostat and the heat level in the home. Open doors and opened windows are also tracked and information gathered. The data collected shows researchers whether the individual is active, eating healthy foods, cooking, forgetting to turn off appliances or perhaps not closing doors fully.

The robots also allow virtual visits by healthcare professionals, family and friends by showing the visitor on a screen on the body of the robot. The family member can “dial into” the robot and have a conversation with their loved one. The ability to “virtually visit” is helpful if a caregiver who doesn’t live on site receives a notification that their aging loved one has gotten out of bed, or perhaps taken a spill or turned on an appliance and not turned it back off. Through the robot technology, family members can be with their loved ones virtually and that provides peace of mind for all involved. Robot technologies benefit from high resolution lens assemblies, which Universe Optics manufacturers. The company manufactures lenses that are applicable for use in vibration-sensitive applications such as a robot that would be moving around a home and maneuvering over varying floor surfaces.

The robots require specialized programming to be able to interpret the individual needs and movements of the inhabitant of the house to which it’s deployed. Additionally, collecting the information is ideal, but there needs to be collection and monitoring of it to detect variables and changes in health or activity levels. Developers don’t believe the robots will be a substitute for human interaction and contact, but rather an enhancement and also a way to allow the aged to live in their own homes for longer periods of time.

Universe Optics is a manufacturer of high resolution lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.