High resolution lenses for machine vision — standard and custom lens design

Lenses for CD and DVD Players

High Resolution Lenses for machine vision, instrumentation, inspection and vibration-sensitive applications. Standard and custom hi-res lens assemblies.

Lenses for CD and DVD Players

Lenses for CD and DVD Players

Lenses are vital components to the manufacture of CD players and DVD players. As these lenses can be damaged by dust particles, manufacturers look for lenses and lens assemblies that can help these devices operate for an extended period.

CD Players
CD Players, although they have fallen in terms of popularity, are still widely used around the world. Every CD player needs a high-quality lens, in order to ensure that the CDs can be properly read. CD lenses and DVD lenses and readers differ from one another because they typically spin and read the information at different speeds. A high-quality lens ensures that your CDs will accurately read, without interference, skipping, or other problems that regularly plaque CD players that have less than ideal lenses installed.

DVD Players
Much in the same way that CD player lenses experience issues, DVD player lenses often experience issues when they come into contact with dust, and other items that can make them less accurate. DVD players are still widely used, even with the invention of HD DVDs, and blue Ray players. If you are an engineer looking for lenses for a bulk supply for DVD applications or a custom solution, Universe Optics can fulfill your order.