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Laser Diode Technology Aids In Hair Removal

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A laser diode is a machine comprised of miniscule diodes or semiconductors that are assembled to produce directed beams of light. The wavelength of a laser diode is longer than a ruby laser (one used to lighten dark melanin and has a red beam). The laser diode is stronger and therefore able to more deeply penetrate the skin; this is beneficial for hair removal on dark-skinned individuals, as the technologies of the past didn’t allow for penetration of the skin.

While a laser diode is beneficial in the realm of the medical profession including plastic surgeons and aestheticians, it is not a technology that all can benefit from. The device is effective when used over large areas of the patients’ body such as the chest or back, but can be a long, painstaking process for those looking for hair removal in other areas.

Medical professionals are embracing laser diode devices for the following reasons:

  • The longer wavelength emitted offers better results for dark-skinned individuals
  • Individuals with black or brown hair benefit the most from the technology
  • The affected area of the body heals more quickly with this type of hair removal than with other technologies

There are drawbacks to the procedure and they include:

  • Light-haired individuals don’t see the results that those with dark hair do
  • Scarring, discoloration, swelling and redness at the treated site are possible
  • The effects of the treatments in long term hair removal vary by individual

Prior to making decisions on whether to undergo a hair removal procedure with a laser diode, make certain the physician you’re dealing with has the proper training and offers you information on the benefits and side effects you may receive. Ask other individuals who have gone through the procedure whether they would recommend it. The laser diode technology is gaining in popularity and is more widely accepted than in the past as a way toward permanent hair removal.